City of Rockville, Minnesota

Granite - Heart of the City
Photo montage: a girl looking a flowers, an iron park bench amid fallen autumn leaves, a family holding hands and walking in a park, and a dim sunset

 October 1, 2008

Council Meeting @ 6:00 p.m.
Attached Document or FileAdditions Discuss/Approve Liquor License transfer, MECA 319 grant, Siding Question, Schedule Finance Meeting
Attached Document or FileConsent Agenda Approve Minutes, Treasurer's Report, Bills & Additions
Attached Document or FilePublic Hearing Approx. 6:30 p.m. Ordinance 2008-52 Amend Mayor/Council pay
Attached Document or FileOld/New Business Discuss Administrative Fine-Tobacco Compliance Check, Approve Summary Publication Ordinance 2008-50 & 2008-51
229 Broadway Street East - P.O. Box 93 - Rockville MN 56369 :: Phone: 320-251-5836 Fax: 320-240-9620 Email: