City of Rockville, Minnesota

Granite - Heart of the City
Photo montage: a girl looking a flowers, an iron park bench amid fallen autumn leaves, a family holding hands and walking in a park, and a dim sunset

 December 17, 2008 Council Meeting @ 6:00 p.m.


Attached Document or FileAdditions Corky Scandinato, Appoint Fire Chief for interim period, Discuss Boonestroo letter
Attached Document or FileConsent Agenda Approve 12/3/08 Minutes, Treasurer's Report, Bills
Attached Document or FileConsent Agenda Approve 12/10/08 Minutes, Additions to Bills
Attached Document or FilePublic Hearing Approx. 6:30 p.m Ordinance 2008-53 Event Center
Attached Document or FileOld Business Maine Prairie Township Board, Dan Hansen-Interim Use Permit
Attached Document or FileOld Business Maintenance Agreement
Attached Document or FileNew Business 2009 Final Tax Levy, Budget
Attached Document or FileNew Business 2008 Budget Amendments, Designated Fund
Attached Document or FileAdministrators Correspondence Transfer Local Board of Review Duties, 2009 Legal Services
229 Broadway Street East - P.O. Box 93 - Rockville MN 56369 :: Phone: 320-251-5836 Fax: 320-240-9620 Email: