December 21st, 2011 Council Meeting @ 6:00 p.m.
AgendaConsent Agenda:
- Approve minutes 11/16/11
- Approve Treasurer's Report 12/21/11
- Approve List of Bills and Additions 12/21/11
- Cigarette License Approval: B's Quick Mart, B's Liquor, Stoney's Bar, Rockville Gas & Bait
Board/Staff Report:
- Police Department
- Public Works RFA
- Fire Departmetn RFA
- Park & Recreation
Public Hearing - 6:30 p.m. Approx Start Time:
- 2012 Proposed Tax Levy & Budget Approval
- 6:40 p.m. - 2011-72A Amended Gas Franchise Aggreement -Xcel
- 6:45 p.m. - Ordinance No. 2011-73 Floodplain Mgmt.
Old/New Business: Committee Report:
- Mayor's Report
- Finanace Committee
- Public Works-Holly Road Report
Administrator's Correspondence:
- RFA-Budget Amendments - year end
- Planning Commission Appointment
- Alcohol Enforcement issue