City of Rockville, Minnesota

Granite - Heart of the City
Photo montage: a girl looking a flowers, an iron park bench amid fallen autumn leaves, a family holding hands and walking in a park, and a dim sunset

  Guide to What You Can and Can't Flush and Put Down the Drain

This resource was developed to help educate residents about effectively disposing wastes that can or can't go through household drains and flushes. It's the day to day things that, when improperly disposed, can accumulate over time and can potentially pollute, damage properties and harm human or wildlife. Waste disposal has always been a matter of concern and everyone in the community must take the initiative to correct improper waste disposal habits right where it usually begins - at home.
(click on the title above to view the article)
229 Broadway Street East - P.O. Box 93 - Rockville MN 56369 :: Phone: 320-251-5836 Fax: 320-240-9620 Email: