City of Rockville, Minnesota

Granite - Heart of the City
Photo montage: a girl looking a flowers, an iron park bench amid fallen autumn leaves, a family holding hands and walking in a park, and a dim sunset

 July 2, 2008 Council Meeting @ 6:00 p.m.


Attached Document or FileConsent Agenda Approve Minutes, Treasurer's Report, Bills and Additons, Fireworks Display Permit
Attached Document or FileBoard/Staff Report Maintenance, Planning Commission, Fire, Rock-Fest
Attached Document or FilePublic Hearing 260th Street Reclaim Project
Attached Document or FileOld/New Business Discuss APO, Jeff Hagen request, Street Dance
Attached Document or FileEngineer/Attorney Report 400 Club Drainage, Re-approve Assessment Roll-County Road 82
Attached Document or FileCommittee Reports Mayor's, Street
Attached Document or FileAdministrators Correspondence Council Appointment to County Park, MDH letter, CMIF donation
Attached Document or FileAdditions Rockville Lions Club off-site Gambling license
229 Broadway Street East - P.O. Box 93 - Rockville MN 56369 :: Phone: 320-251-5836 Fax: 320-240-9620 Email: