The City of Rockville's Comprehensive Plan is a dynamic planning tool intended to guide the future growth and development of the city. The Comprehensive Plan is based on local and regional historical facts, trends, and governmental planning standards. This document presents the Comprehensive Plan for Rockville, Minnesota; reflective of the community planning process conducted in 2002 and continued through 2004.
As a means of discerning, classifying, and analyzing historical information this inventory of pertinent data has been compiled. The Comprehensive Plan identifies the type, amount, and pattern of growth that has taken place within the City and utilizes this information for the planning of future growth. Accordingly, the Comprehensive Plan provides a knowledge base for instituting a hierarchy of policies that will assist the community in processing a variety of development issues on a defined policy level. This information and policy base will allow decision-makers to evaluate and guide proposals benefiting the residents of Rockville, and fulfilling the city’s goals and objectives.